M.A History Syllabus Calcutta University

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calcutta university m.a history syllabus

Calcutta University MA History Syllabus:



I. Political narratives and processes: Transition from early historical to early medieval and the nature of early medieval period; Emergence of regional political entities and powers in early medieval India: Some select case studies in the Gangetic and peninsular India. 

II. Political Theory, nature and elements of Kingship and apparatus of State an overview: Changes sought to be explained in terms of feudal polity, examination of the 'parcellization of sovereignty', emergence and consolidation of the 'samanta' system, perception of the segmentary state in south India; Kings and Counselors - Rise of Paramount overlordship, the palace and its personnel; Palace routine; the culture of the court, the exchange of honours and courtesies; processes of legitimation; Provincial and Local administration with particular reference to self governing local bodies; taxation; Warfare and weaponry: Conquest and Society - Recruitment - Military Labour Market'; 'Military Revolution - War-horse and elephant; Arms and Armour, Military architecture - Forts and sieges; Military Technology; 'Military fiscalism'? 

III: Changing perceptions of Crime and Punishment: A Broad Overview based on smritis, dharmasastras and political treatise. 

IV. Agriculture: Land Tenure and Property - Social distribution of Landed Property in early Medieval India; Land and labour-landlords, tenant farmer, landless laborers, servile labour; Practice of issuing landgrants to individuals and institutions, its impact and the related perception of feudal economy: Changes and proliferation of agrarian technology, irrigation and consequent impact on the agrarian settlements. 

V. Trade and industries: Inland and Oceanic trade; a broad overview through time and space - different types of merchants and market centres (including ports) in the early medieval times; some case studies/ a comparative study between the Gangetic plains and the peninsular India. 

VI. Urban processes: Different types of towns - ancient administrative centres, pilgrimage centres, local market towns, medieval fortified towns, medieval seaports, military cantonments; their salient features and the processes of urban development in early medieval India; Caste and Class: Society based on hierarchy of endogamous, birth ascribed groups characterized by one distinctive occupation - varna/jati, absorption of 'tribal groups and indigenous groups in the jati structure, proliferation of jatis, antyaja and untouchability; Marriage Family and kinshipDifferent forms of marriage, regional specificities - comparison between north Indian and south (cross cousin) marriage and inheritance. 

VII. The Religious sphere: Sacred and Profane - Religion, Supernatural and Magic - Emergence of bhakti cults, Vaishnavism, Saivism Sakta and Tantric, Buddhism and Jainism; Emergence of a Synthesis? Daily rites and rituals: Popularity of Puranic religion, pilgrimage vratas; Death and after life.


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  1. https://www.caluniv.ac.in/cbcs-pg/pg-files/History.pdf
