The Eyes Have It MCQ question answer



 Ruskin Bond

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During his train journey upto Rohana the narrator was-

    (a)  alone 

    (b) accompanied by his friend

    (c)  talking with a girl

    (d) talking with another person 

2. A girl got into the train when the narrator-

     (a) started his journey 

     (b) was alone in the compartment 

     (c)  was on the platform

     (d) was talking 

3. The girl who got in the train was bidden farewell by-

    (a) her parents 

    (b) a couple, probably her parents 

    (c) her friend

    (d) a servant 

4. The couple who bade farewell to the girl was very anxious about -

    (a) her journey 

    (b) her dress

    (c) her health

    (d) her comfort 

5. The eyes of the narrator were sensitive to- 

    (a) light 

    (b) darkness 

    (c) only light and darkness 

    (d) neither light nor darkness

6. The narrator was unable to tell-

    (a) how the girl looked 

    (b) where he was going 

    (c) who his companion was

    (d) what slapped against her heels 

"The Eyes Have It"- S.A.Q.


7. The narrator liked-

    (a) the voice of the couple 

    (b) the voice of the girl 

    (c) the sound of the train

    (d) the sound of the whistle

8. The girl told the narrator that she was going to-

    (a) Rohana 

    (b) Mussoorie

    (c) Saharanpur 

    (d) Dehradun 

9. In the story 'The Eyes Have It', the girl will be received at Saharanpur- 

    (a) by her uncle 

    (b) by her aunt

    (c) by her father 

    (d) by her mother

10. According to the narrator of the short story 'The Eyes Have It', aunts are- 

    (a) formidable creatures

    (b) formal creatures 

    (c) fickle creatures

    (d) friendly creatures 

11. According to Ruskin Bond, the best time for visiting the hills is-

     (a) September 

     (b) October

     (c) November

     (d) December


12. In the short story 'The Eyes Have It' the narrator said that the girl had-

    (a) a pretty face

    (b) an interesting face

    (c) an oval face

    (d) a glamorous face

 13. The word 'tantalising' means-

    (a) exciting 

    (b) tacking 

    (c) tasty

    (d) trailing 

14. The opposite word of 'fascinating' is-

    (a) interesting 

    (b) dull 

    (c) fastidious 

    (d) fastening 

15. According to the narrator of the story ‘The Eyes Have It, there were hardly any animals left in the forests-

     (a) near Dehra 

     (b) near Rohana 

     (c) near Mussoorie

     (d) near Saharanpur

16. The girl would get off at-

     (a) Mussoorie 

     (b) Dehradun 

     (c) Rohana 

     (d) Saharanpur 

17. “But her next question removed my doubts" -The speaker doubted whether-

      (a) the girl was listening to him

      (b) the girl was shy and introvert 

      (c) the girl had noticed that he was blind

      (d)  the girl got confused after listening to his question

18. The thought of laughter only made

 the narrator of the story 'The Eyes Have It'-

       (a) feel serious 

       (b) feel troubled

       (c)feel lonely

       (d) feel troubled and lonely

19. The perfume from the girl's hair was-

      (a) tantalising

      (b) terrifying

      (c) irritating

      (d) pleasant

20. The narrator pretended-  

     (a) to study the landscape through the open window

     (b) to study a book

     (c) to study nature

     (d) to study the sky

21. The fascinating game in which the 8 to study a book narrator was engaged was-

      (a) to see everything outside

      (b) to guess what went on out there

      (c) to think about the girl

      (d) to listen to music

22. According to the narrator, the persons who can resist flattery are-

      (a) all girls 

      (b) some girls 

      (c) few girls

      (d) many girls

23. The new passenger who boarded the train at Saharanpur- 

      (a) apologised 

      (b) screamed

      (c) shouted

      (d) cried bitterly

"The Eyes Have It"- S.A.Q.

24. The person whom the girl described as a very gallant young man was-

       (a) the narrator

       (b) the co-passenger

       (c) her friend

       (d) her brother

25. The girl in 'The Eyes Have It' was happy because it was a-

      (a) long journey 

      (b) short journey

      (c) break journey

      (d) pleasant journey

26. A fascinating game to the narrator was-

       (a) to guess the intention of the girl

       (b) to pine for what is not

       (c) to guess what went on out there

       (d) to exchange words with the new passenger

27. 'Then made a mistake' - The was mistake was made by-.

       (a) the girl

       (b) the narrator

       (c) the co-passenger

       (d) the girl's aunt

28. The girl got on the train at-

       (a) Rohana

       (b) Dehra

       (c) Saharanpur

       (d) Mussoorie

29. According to the narrator of the story, 'The Eyes Have It', 'usually formidable creatures' are-

       (a) aunts

       (b) girls

       (c) tigers

       (d) lions

30. The new passenger noticed the girl's-

        (a) hair

        (b) eye

        (c) dress

        (d) jewellery

31. From Dehra, Ruskin Bond was going-

         (a) to Mussoorie

         (b)  to Rohana

         (c) to a hill station

         (d) to Saharanpur

32. According to the blind narrator-

         (a) few girls can resist flattery

         (b) all girls like flattery

         (c) all girls can resist flattery

         (d) no girls like flattery

33. The girl could not bear to sit in a

train for more than-

         (a) one hour

         (b) two hours

         (c) two or three hours

         (d) six or seven hours

34. Few girls can resist-

        (a) courtesy 

        (b) flattery 

        (c) politeness

        (d) love

"The Eyes Have It"- S.A.Q.


1. (a) alone  2. (b) was alone in the compartment 3. (b) a couple, probably her parents 4. (b) her dress 5. (c) only light and darkness 6. (a) how the girl looked 7. (b) the voice of the girl  8. (c) Saharanpur 9. (b) by her aunt 10. (a) formidable creatures 11. (b) October 12. (b) an interesting face 13. (a) exciting 14. (b) dull 15. (a) near Dehra 16. (d) Saharanpur 17. (a) the girl was listening to him 18. (d) feel troubled and lonely 19. (a) tantalising 20. (a) to study the landscape through the open window 21. (b) to guess what went on out there 22. (c) few girls 23. (a) apologised 24. (a) the narrator 25. (b) short journey 26. (c) to guess what went on out there 27. (b) the narrator 28. (a) Rohana 29. (a) aunts 30. (b) eye 31. (a) to Mussoorie 32. (a) few girls can resist flattery 33. (c) two or three hours 34. (b) flattery 

How to write a formal letter 

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